Re#m9 Fam9 Sol#11 Do#maj7 Dom7 Simaj7 Fa#6 Everything is good, and brown I’m here again with a sun Sol#11 Do#maj7 Dom7 shine smile upon my face My friends are close at hand and Simaj7 Sol#13 Sol#11 Do#m7 my inhibitions have disappeared without a trace I’m glad I Simaj7 Fa#6/Sol# Sol#11 found someone I can rely on Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 This is the return of the space cowboy Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 Interplanetary good vibes on Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 Set the speed of cheeba Oh You and I go deeper Re#m9 Fam9 Maybe I have to get high to get by Sol#m Re#m9 Fam7 Sol#11 Do#maj7 Everything is good Dom7 And green Simaj7 Oh, I'm red again Fa#6 Sol#11 And I don't suppose I'm coming down Do#maj7 I can see clearly, Dom7 So high in the sky Simaj7 A man with psychedelic picture frames Re#m7 Sol#11 Of happiness to shade his eyes Do#m7 He's glad Simaj7 That he found Fa#6/Sol# Somebody who Sol#11 he can rely on Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 This is the return of the space cowboy Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 Interplanetary good vibes on Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 Set the speed of cheeba Oh You and I go deeper Re#m9 Fam9 Maybe I have to get high to get by Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9 Re#m9 Fam9 La#m9
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