Lamaj7 Fa#m7, Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7, Sim9 Mi7b9 Lamaj7 Remaj7 Do#m7 Mi9 When I walk in your shoes, I understand a man confused. Lamaj7 Remaj7 There must have been, but I don't care, Do#m7 Mi9 I feel the way your soul does there. Lamaj7 Remaj7 Do#m7 Mi9 Darling, they empathise, looking through your bloodshot eyes. Lamaj7 Remaj7 And I know you; you're so frustrated, Do#m7 Fa#7b9 Besides we all become what we once hated. Sim7 Mi7 Sim7 Mi7 Be-sides, nobody, can be that wise. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 I can't help you, if you won't help your-self. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 I can't help you, if you won't help your-self. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 You can only get, so much from someone else. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 I can't help you, if you won't help your-self. Lamaj7 Remaj7 You've got a degree, a-in philosophy, Do#m7 Mi9 So you think you're clever-er than me. Lamaj7 Remaj7 But I'm not just some drama queen, Do#m7 Mi9 'Cos it's where you're at; not where you've been. Lamaj7 Remaj7 Do#m7 Mi9 So what do you ex-pect from me, to hold your head a-bove the sea? Lamaj7 Remaj7 And carry you even though you're bigger, Do#m7 Fa#7b9 'Cos don't you know you crush my tiny figure? Sim7 Mi7 Sim7 Mi7 And anyway, we're still so young, and this isn't yesterday. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 I can't help you, if you won't help your-self. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 I can't help you, if you won't help your-self. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 You can only get, so much from someone else. Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 Lamaj7 Fa#m7 Sim9 Mi9 I can't help you, if you won't help your-self. Remaj7 Dodim You might be twenty five, but in my mind, Lamaj7 Mi/Sol# Fa#7 I see you as sixteen years old most the time. Remaj7 Dodim And I'm just a child, and you're full grown, Sim7 Mi9 And you are like nothing I've ever known. Lamaj7 Fa#m7, Sim9 Mi9, Lamaj7 Fa#m7, Sim9 Mi7b9
Help Yourself accordi
di Amy Winehouse