Fa Fa#dim Do/Sol Lam Rem Sol Do Sol Do Buonasera signorina, buonasera Sol7 It is time to say goodnight to Napoli, Rem Sol7 Though it's hard for us to whisper buonasera Do With that old moon above the Mediterranean Sea. Do In the morning, signorina, we'll go walking Do7 Fa Where the mountains and the sand come into sight, Fam Do La7 And by the little jewellery's shop we'll stop and linger Rem Sol7 Do While I buy a wedding ring for your finger. Do Do/Mi Fa Fa#dim In the meantime let me tell you that I love you. Do Sol7 Do Buonasera signorina, kiss me goodnight. Sol7 Do Buonasera signorina, kiss me goodnight. Bop-a-loo-lop a-lop-bam-boo! Do Buonasera signorina, buonasera Sol7 It is time to say goodnight to Napoli, Rem Sol7 Though it's hard for us to whisper buonasera Do With that old moon above the Mediterranean Sea. Do In the morning, signorina, we'll go walking Do7 Fa Where the mountains and the sand come into sight, Fam Do La7 And by the little jewellery's shop we'll stop and linger Rem Sol7 Do While I buy a wedding ring for your finger. Do Do/Mi Fa Fa#dim In the meantime let me tell you that I love you. Do Sol7 Do Buonasera signorina, kiss me goodnight. Do Sol7 Rem Sol7 Do Do In the morning, signorina, we'll go walking Do7 Fa Where the mountains and the sand come into sight, Fam Do La7 And by the little jewellery's shop we'll stop and linger Rem Sol7 Do While I buy a wedding ring for your finger. Do Do/Mi Fa Fa#dim In the meantime let me tell you that I love you. Do Sol7 Do Buonasera signorina, kiss me goodnight. Sol7 Do Buonasera signorina, kiss me goodnight. Bop-a-loo-lop a-lop-bam-boo!
Buona Sera accordi
di Adriano Celentano