Dom Re# Fam Sol Dom Re# Fam Dom Ne`ver know how much I love you, ne`ver know how mu`ch I care. Dom Re# Sol La# Dom When you put your arms a-round me, I get a fe`ver that's so ha`rd to bear. Dom Re# Fam Dom You give me fe`ver, when you kiss me, fe`ver when you ho`ld me tight. Dom Re# Sol La# Dom Fe/ver, in the mor`ning, fe`ver all thro`ugh the night. Dom Re# Fam Dom Sun lights up the day-time, moon lights u`p the night. Dom Re# Sol La# Dom I light up when you ca`ll my name, an’ you know I'm gonna tre`at you right. Dom Re# Fam Dom You give me fe`ver, when you kiss me, fe`ver when you ho`ld me tight. Dom Re# Sol La# Dom Fe/ver, in the mor`ning, fe`ver all thro`ugh the night. Dom Re# Fam Dom Eve-ry-bo-dy's, got the fe/ver, that is some-thing you all know. Dom Re# Sol La# Dom Fe`ver isn't, such a new thing, fe`ver star`ted lo`ng a-go. [riff] Do#m Mi Sol#m Do#m Oh oh oh/oh oh/oh he_yeah, Do#m Mi Fa#m Do#m Ro-me-o loved Ju-li-et, Ju-li-et she fe`lt the same. Do#m Mi Sol# Si Do#m When he put his arms a-round her, he said 'Julie, baby, you're my flame. Do#m Mi Fa#m Do#m Thou giv-est fe`ver, when we kis-seth, fe`ver with thy fla``me in you. Do#m Mi Sol# Si Do#m Fe/ver, I'm a-fi`re, fe`ver yeah I burn for_sooth'__. Rem Fa Solm Rem Cap-tain Smith an’ Po-ca-han-tas, had a ve`ry mad a-ffa`ir. Rem Fa La Rem When her daddy tried to kill him, She said 'Dad-dy, Oh don't you dare. Rem Fa Solm Rem He gives a me fe`ver, with his kisses, fe`ver when he ho`lds me tight. Rem Fa La Rem Fe/ver, I'm his misses, Oh Daddy, won't you treat him right, go! Dom Re# Fam Dom Now you've list`end to my sto/ry, here's the point that I` have ma`de. Dom Re# Sol La# Dom Chicks were born to give you fe`ver, be it fah-ren-heit or cen`ti-grade. Dom Re# Fam Dom They give you fe`ver, when you kiss them. Fe`ver if you live an’ lea`rn, Dom Re# Sol La# Dom Fe/ver/er, ‘til you siz`zle, what a love-ly wa`y to burn, Sol La# Dom Sol La# Dom What a love/ly way to burn. What a love`ly wa`y to burn. Sol La# Dom What a love`ly way to burn.
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