Sol Sol I, I might have known Fa Do This would be Sol Just another rainbow Do Sol I, I walk the Earth Fa Do I search the sky Sol Just another rainbow Fa No pot of gold Do Sol Waiting here for me Fa Do Just another rainbow Sol Hanging over me Fa Do Just another rainbow Sol Dripping on my tree Fa Do Sol Sol I'm out of control Fa Do Half of the hole Sol Just another rainbow Fa Do Paying the bills Sol Am I your windmill? Fa Do Just another rainbow Sol Hanging over me Fa Do Just another rainbow Sol Dripping on my tree Fa Do Red and orange, yellow and green Sol Fa Do Sol Blue, indigo, violet Fa Do Sol We've crossed a line [Instrumental Break] Fa Do La# La Sol Do Do Fa Sol Do Fa Sol Do Fa Sol Do Sol Do Sol Do Sol Fa Do Sol Fa Do Sol Fa Do Just another rainbow Sol Hanging over me Fa Do Just another rainbow Sol Dripping on my tree Fa Do Sol
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